Professional coaching programs
You already have the full potential…
But you probably do not know it yet. Whether you are not aware of your potential, or whether you are doubtful of your strengths, you probably question your skills, or you may think that you have reached your highest potential. Luckily, this is all completely unfounded or false.
In most of us, the potential is well hidden, buried under the weight of our paradigms, beliefs, and self-programming. It is relegated to the background by all the paradigms that lead our life. In other words: the potential is there, but it is dulled.
Learning how to release your full potential is about opening doors to new opportunities, allowing yourself to achieve and exceed your goals, and opening yourself up to the possibility of a full and rewarding professional and personal life.
But to achieve this, you need to work on yourself. And it starts with “developing mental hygiene” and success strategies.
Farès Chmait provides you with the opportunity to benefit from the fruit of his vast experience in the business world from an ontological perspective; an innovative formula that combines the power of being and the power of action.
Beyond training, it is about transformation.
There are all kinds of training and coaching programs. If most coaches claim to have THE formula to accompany you in this process, it is important to mention that all change starts from within. The tools and techniques are wonderful, but only as far as you know how to integrate them into your professional and personal life.
Do you want to eliminate procrastination, fears, missed opportunities, inefficiencies, and wasted time?
Embark on a journey towards a sustainable transformation.
- 1 monthly theme spread over 5 months
- 1 bi-monthly video conference of 30 minutes in small groups of 10 to 12 participants to discuss, evaluate progress, answer questions and maintain the group’s focus and motivation
- 1 individual meeting of 2 hours at the beginning of the program for a S.W.O.T analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), including an M.B.T.I. psychometric assessment
- 1 individual meeting of 60 minutes at the end of the program to measure the achievement of your goals
- 1 video of 55 minutes of Farès Chmait to view regularly in order to stay motivated: the mentality for embracing change, obstacles can be surmounted immediately and the impossible may take some time
- 1 copy of Conversations déterminantes. Farès is a co-author of this work which discusses situational leadership. Other specialists cover 4 different and complementary topics
Value of $ 5 000
Your coach : Farès Chmait

This eight-month program offers key elements, including superior and enriched support. You will discover and master everything you need to know to succeed personally and professionally, but more importantly, you will learn how to change your paradigms.
Get rid of the wrong habits, renew your mindset, overcome your challenges, and take your transformation even further.
- Learn how to get inside the head of your interlocutor with respect.
- Develop your emotional intelligence.
- Increase your assertiveness, i.e. your ability to assert what you need to say without attacking the other person’s dignity.
- Learn how to interpret non-verbal communication.
- 1 monthly theme spread over 8 months
- 1 hour of individual coaching monthly
- 1 hour of coaching per month in small groups of 5 via video conference to discuss, evaluate progress, answer questions and maintain the group’s focus and motivation
- 1 individual meeting of 2 hours at the beginning of the program for a S.W.O.T analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), including an M.B.T.I. psychometric assessment
- 1 individual meeting of 90 minutes at the end of the program to measure the achievement of your goals
- 1 video of 55 minutes of Farès Chmait to view regularly in order to stay motivated: the mentality for embracing change, obstacles can be surmounted immediately and the impossible may take some time
- A copy of Conversations déterminantes. Farès is a co-author of this work which discusses situational leadership. Other specialists cover 4 different and complementary topics
- 1 electronic copy of Au-delà de la vente
- 1 hard copy of The Power of Decisions
- Access to the audiobooks
Value of $ 9 000
Your coach : Farès Chmait
The cycle
Evaluation at the beginning of the program of your strengths and weaknesses
Defining the short, medium, and long term goals
Monthly training on different themes
Assessment of the progress and achievements along the way
Evaluation at the end of the program to measure the achievement of your goals and recommendations