Public Speaking: Communicate with Impact


You are the center of attention, but it’s your audience who requires all the attention.

To make an impact, you must be properly prepared, rid yourself of your fears, and engage your audience. Impact-Pro has the formula you need to capture the audience’s attention every time!

In This Training

  • How to slide on the power suit
  • Prepare physically, psychologically and mentally for public speaking
  • Be on the lookout for, and avoid, errors
  • Don’t let your internal dialogue scam you
  • Know the power of an impactful introduction and conclusion, and how to formulate them

Impact of This Training

  • Deliver confident presentations
  • Find your state of excellence on demand
  • Leave a positive impression on minds
  • Manage stress and fear
  • Know how to answer trick questions

After this course, you will look forward with enthusiasm to public speaking!