Farès Chmait has been recognized as the top services provider of the year in terms of sales training. His unique sales technique combines emotional intelligence and ontological/active listening to captivate the attention of potential customers by addressing the mind, the heart and the wallet.

Farès Chmait is a renowned expert in emotional intelligence, negotiation, true shared leadership dynamics, and effective communication. Over the past three decades, he has transformed sales training methods and shared his insights on making sales pitches more engaging and intriguing with approximately 10,000 individuals annually across Canada, Europe, and the U.S.
Chmait’s coaching centers around three different tenets:
▪ Communicate Differently™ is about learning communication styles grafting clear-loaded words to avoid being misunderstood. Chmait explains scientifically why misunderstandings occur and how to avoid language pitfalls. Communicate Differently™ with assertiveness and diplomacy emphasizes the importance of being authentic and genuinely interested, adopting appropriate communication strategies to various situations, and fostering mutual understanding and persuasion with integrity.
▪ With Work Differently™, his coaching approach teaches how to do the right things at the right time, how to prioritize, streamline processes to eliminate time-wasters and save 60 minutes a day and, above all, how to implement practical methods to give meaning to your work and learn how to self-regulate your moods and internal dialogue.
▪ Live Differently™ involves gaining mastery over moods and emotions, turning challenges/failures into successes, understanding the anatomy of character and why things happen, practicing mental hygiene and emotional intelligence, and stopping self-sabotage via imposter syndrome. Live Differently™ is founded on proven research and practices with tangible results. Yes, humans can transform any limiting beliefs (e.g. discouragement or self-sabotage) through knowledge and the use of ‘emotional antioxidants’.
To learn more, read the article that Manage HR Magazine has published about us.
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