Ce que personne ne vous a jamais dit au sujet de la vente
Vous pensez être le meilleur dans votre domaine. Vous avez l’expertise et la connaissance de votre produit/service. Tant mieux pour vous. Or, comment se fait-il que même les meilleurs ratent souvent des opportunités d’affaires? Saviez-vous qu’en Amérique du Nord, 63 % de la force de vente manque des chances de conclure une transaction? Vous en […]
Gestion des priorités : êtes-vous ou avez-vous un « Monkey Manager »?
« Si vous faites le travail de deux personnes ou plus, il y a de fortes chances que l’une d’elles se rapporte à vous », a dit William Oncken, l’auteur de Managing Management Time: Who’s Got the Monkey?, célèbre ouvrage de culture managériale qui, à l’aide de l’analogie des singes sur le dos, illustre à merveille la […]
Gain An Extra Hour A Day With These Amazing Techniques
Ah! Time management! In the fall, many people find they’re engaging in a race against time as they take on new projects, a new job or new clients, and try to balance work and family life… the whirlwind of life becomes work. If you are finding yourself buried by a frantic pace, are stressed and […]
How to Retain Customers and Beat the Competition: 5 Rules
Do you know what your customers really want? It is important that you and your team have a deep understanding of their ‘wants’ because this will guide how you service them. And, at the same, time will dictate your longevity as an organization. “Mass advertising can help build brands, but authenticity is what makes them […]
You Must Appeal to 3 Things in Order to Sell
How can you sell more? You need to sell better. To do this, you must engage the heart (emotional side), the head (rational side) and the portfolio (materialistic side) of a customer, while building a strong relationship with him. The proposal that you make must appeal to all 3 facets in order to close the […]
Time Management: Two Revelations To Change Your Life!
Lack of time is an evil in our century, especially in North America. We spend much of our life feeling like we’re running against the clock. About 31 percent of people described most days as quite stressful or extremely stressful, according to Statistics Canada. 34% of people reported feeling trapped in a daily routine and 38% […]
Gain a Competitive Edge With Corporate Training
46 per cent. This is the increase in productivity that small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) can achieve through training, according to a two-year study conducted by Les Affaires and the digital interest group CEFRIO. It’s clear that investing in your human capital through corporate training is a key lever to long-term success. When you don’t […]
Change Your Habits! Turn Off The Internal Autopilot That’s Limiting You
It’s a common piece of self-help lore: That you can change your habits in 21 days. But I believe this is a myth. Most of us can’t completely adopt new habits and jettison old ones in 3 short weeks. It’s a process that is more difficult than it may seem at first, and takes longer. […]
Managing Change, or Managing Continuity?
When it comes to change management, the only thing that is certain in life is that nothing is certain. And yet humans are naturally uncomfortable with uncertainty. Change inspires fear, and this is the emotion that causes us to seek refuge in the comfort of our habits. We reproduce what we know we can do, […]
Develop Your Full Potential In 5 Steps
When I created the IP Movement, I envisioned accompanying people on their path to discovering their full potential. I wanted everyone to become the architect of their own life, both professionally and personally. If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, you’ve probably noticed that I share reflections and exercises to become “IP”; that […]