It’s impossible not to communicate. Whether we speak or remain silent, whether we want to or not, all behavior, conscious or unconscious, voluntary, or involuntary, is a form of communication. To be a better listener, you need to meet the other person in his/her “world model”. The openness you show and the trust you […]

Stress & Priority Management for Optimal Performance

I don’t have any stress at all. I have some stress, but I don’t need more. I have a lot of stress doing my job. I have a lot of stress dealing with my boss I have a lot of stress in my personal life (better half, kids, home maintenance, etc.) OMG! – My stress […]

How to Practice Mental Hygiene

We live in exciting times where uncertainty is present, and changes are rapidly happening. While many may perceive chaos and ambiguity, others may see evolution and growth. The anatomy of character, whom we have become and whom we believe we are, our past and our interpretation of ourselves and others, can often result in situations […]

Navigating Emotional Situations in a Remote Setting

Business empathy training

Despite formerly held, outdated expectations that emotions have no place in a corporate setting, anyone would agree that, in fact, the workplace is often an emotional war zone. Tears, tantrums and emotional outbursts are not so uncommon in the office; and when the office suddenly becomes someone’s kitchen table, stress levels tend to go sky-high.  […]

Transform Adversity into Success with Emotional Intelligence

Manager remote setting

Emotional intelligence has become increasingly relevant for effective leadership and organizational success. In the words of Komosuke Matsushita, founder of Matsushita Electric: “Business is now so complex and so difficult, the survival of firms so hazardous in an environment increasingly unpredictable, competitive and fraught with danger, that their continued existence depends on the day-to-day mobilization […]

Gain mastery over your fears and doubts.

With Farès Chmait Research findings in different Western countries point to rising insecurity, increasing stress, and the prevalence of Anxiety as a social mood. Some basic moods of life Two moods arise from our relationship to uncertainty. These two moods are wonder and anxiety. In a world of accelerating and often disruptive change, uncertainty has […]

Quand un bon salaire ne suffit plus à la motivation au travail

Qu’est-ce qui vous pousse à sortir de votre lit le matin? Quelles sont vos premières pensées? Les premiers mots de votre dialogue interne? J’aime poser ces questions qui servent de miroirs afin de connaître ce qui motive réellement les gens dans la vie et, surtout, pour comprendre où ils puisent leur source de motivation au […]