Distinguishing between Transactional Leadership and Transformational Leadership

Who’s who? And who does what? We often confuse managers and leaders. If, in an ideal world, all managers should have leadership skills, can we confirm that all leaders are good managers? The difference between an ordinary manager and a manager who demonstrates leadership lies mainly in the management style. Let’s talk about the distinction […]


TESTIMONIAL “After meeting three psychologists, you’re the only one who gave me a ‘slap’ to wake me up.” That’s what one of our clients told me after I asked her a shocking question during one of our sessions. The client in question was discussing her recent tendency towards unsuccessful intimate relationships when I asked her: […]

The Need for Mental and Emotional Agility in Today’s World

Knowing how to manage the atmosphere in your team, your organization or your family has become a must. Mentally and emotionally agile people can skillfully blend psychological and communication skills to the point where it becomes a way of knowing how to be and how to know, and no longer just a theoretical application. WHO […]

The Power of Decisions

TO BE OR NOT TO BE: THAT IS THE QUESTION Whether it’s what time you get up, what clothes you’re going to wear, what you want to consume, how you set your priorities, where you travel, your lifestyle, or any other aspect of your life, did you know that you make around 35,000 decisions a […]

Labour Retention During a Shortage

One million. That’s the number of vacancies in Canada as of April 2022, according to Statistics Canada, i.e. an increase of 40% over the previous year. Whether in construction, insurance, finance, the scientific and professional sectors, or even in government, no field is spared by the labour shortage. In such a context, how do we […]

Are you a manager or a leader ?

Nowadays, most companies in North America are over-managed and under-led. Despite all the books published on management and leadership, few leaders have developed the ability to combine these two skills. We often think – wrongly – that a manager is de facto a leader. However, the notion of leadership is different from the notion of […]

What Can I Bring to my Team?

Evaluating Competencies to Enhance Your Leadership Skills Over the past few years, business leaders have certainly faced a number of challenges, from adapting to managing a remote workforce, to mobilizing teams amidst uncertainties related to the pandemic, war and global talent shortage to name a few.  Being a manager is no longer just about assigning […]

What is Shared Leadership?

Leadership training

EVOLUTION OF LEADERSHIP Leadership… Here is a term that is more and more used everydayPeople often confuse “leadership” with “authority”, “position”, “title”. Nowadays, even though authority is rather badly perceived, the notion of leadership, on the other hand, is still quite popular. According to the online dictionary, Linternaute.com, leadership is an anglicism that means “function”, […]

5 Must-Have Skills to Cleverly Step up Into a Management Position

Professional management training

You’ve been at your job for some time now⁠—you’ve put in your overtime, become a knowledge expert, generated profits; so it was therefore all too easy to assume that you would have been promoted by now.  Many employees make the mistake of believing that being good at their job is all they need to climb […]

Four Common Mistakes Managers Make

Business management training Montreal

A manager’s attitude can make or break a team.  Too many managers out there get so caught up in their daily tasks that they forget that one of their main responsibilities is to, well, manage people.  So, let’s take a look at the four most common mistakes managers make.  1- Failing to set clear goals […]