Et tout s’est arrêté à cause du Covid-19…. Mais ensuite ?

Covid-19 Fares Chmait

Nous vous invitons à lire le texte ci-dessous qui a inspiré la vidéo de M. Chmait. Nous vous invitons aussi à consulter les détails de notre formation en ligne qui aura lieu le 15 avril afin de vous aider à gérer et exprimer adéquatement vos émotions pendant cette période difficile. GAGNER LA MAITRISE DE SES ÉMOTIONS […]

How A Good Mix of Empathy And Assertiveness Will Help You Close More Deals

Selling with empathy

Many articles have been written about what makes a good salesperson. However, we are not interested in good, we are interested in great; and what makes a great salesperson is an equal dose of empathy and assertiveness. Here’s why.  What is Empathy Empathy is defined as: “the ability to share someone else’s feelings or experiences […]

Do You Have What It Takes to Become a True Leader?

What are the qualities and skills of the best leaders? Many people are promoted to management positions because the company feels they can do the work, but the reality I see every day in my corporate coaching work is that they’re often unprepared to lead their teams effectively to exceed organizational goals. In a recent […]

Transform Adversity into Success with Emotional Intelligence

Manager remote setting

Emotional intelligence has become increasingly relevant for effective leadership and organizational success. In the words of Komosuke Matsushita, founder of Matsushita Electric: “Business is now so complex and so difficult, the survival of firms so hazardous in an environment increasingly unpredictable, competitive and fraught with danger, that their continued existence depends on the day-to-day mobilization […]

We Don’t Always Get What We Deserve, We Only Get What We Negotiate.

How good are you as a negotiator? What do you hate the most in a negotiation? What are the traps in a negotiation? Why do you miss opportunities? We negotiate all the time, whenever you are facing a situation and you want to get something from someone that is in control of it, you must […]

How To Communicate Well At Work, In Any Circumstance ?

Often, communication is the key to good interpersonal relationships and the success of common projects and goals within a company. You have to know not only how to adapt to your colleagues and employers, but also have instinct when it comes to communicating with someone. You certainly already have delivered a message believing that it […]

Gain Mastery Over Your Fears And Doubts.

With Farès Chmait Research findings in different Western countries point to rising insecurity, increasing stress, and the prevalence of Anxiety as a social mood. Some basic moods of life Two moods arise from our relationship to uncertainty. These two moods are wonder and anxiety. In a world of accelerating and often disruptive change, uncertainty has […]

Quelle est la différence entre leadership et autorité ?

Leadership training

Il arrive assez fréquemment que l’on me demande la différence entre leadership et autorité. Aujourd’hui, l’autorité a du mal à s’imposer, que ce soit au sein de la famille ou de l’entreprise. Le leadership en revanche a beaucoup plus de succès. Je vous propose donc de découvrir ou redécouvrir la différence entre ces deux méthodes […]

Quand un bon salaire ne suffit plus à la motivation au travail

Qu’est-ce qui vous pousse à sortir de votre lit le matin? Quelles sont vos premières pensées? Les premiers mots de votre dialogue interne? J’aime poser ces questions qui servent de miroirs afin de connaître ce qui motive réellement les gens dans la vie et, surtout, pour comprendre où ils puisent leur source de motivation au […]