What Is Resilience and How to Develop It?

Professional and business training

Have you ever heard of the word “resilience”? WHAT IS RESILIENCE? In the Larousse dictionary, resilience is described as follows  The resistance of a material to impact or break  The ability of an individual to survive despite traumatic circumstances  The ability of a group of individuals to recover after a disaster The ability of a […]

Introducing the Wheel Of Excellence

Wheel of Excellence on line

People often speak of success, strive for success, but what does success mean to you?  For us, success is being able to constantly evolve into a better version of ourselves.  This is why we are proud to introduce the Wheel of Excellence.  Developed from our 35+ years of international business experience, the Wheel of Excellence […]

Why Now Is a Good Time for Professional Development Courses

Professional online business courses

Have you been itching to follow a specific course but just could not find the time in your already overloaded schedule? Many individuals tend to postpone updating their skills on the account of “being too busy”. Well, perhaps now that you are temporarily working from home is your time to check that course off your […]

A Wind of Change That Announces Great Opportunities for 2021

Professional training

With the current state of things and the second wave of the pandemic threatening to put our lives back into hibernation, receiving good news is welcomed. Well, we received word that Portail Plus International Group Inc. has just acquired Campus Finance, the online training platform for financial services and products professionals. A Solid Start for […]

Qu’est-ce que l’éthique et pourquoi en avons-nous besoin?

Formations professionnelles

L’éthique est maintenant plus importante que jamais et continuera de faire part de notre vie. Qu’est-ce que l’éthique ? Pourquoi avons-nous besoin de cela ? Comment pratiquons-nous l’éthique ?  Prenons cet exemple, tout récemment, les médias nous parlaient d’un jeune homme qui, ignoré par le  système de santé, s’est enlevé la vie. Encouragé par une […]

Et tout s’est arrêté à cause du Covid-19…. Mais ensuite ?

Covid-19 Fares Chmait

Nous vous invitons à lire le texte ci-dessous qui a inspiré la vidéo de M. Chmait. Nous vous invitons aussi à consulter les détails de notre formation en ligne qui aura lieu le 15 avril afin de vous aider à gérer et exprimer adéquatement vos émotions pendant cette période difficile. GAGNER LA MAITRISE DE SES ÉMOTIONS […]

Change Your Habits! Turn Off The Internal Autopilot That’s Limiting You

Finding fulfillment career

It’s a common piece of self-help lore: That you can change your habits in 21 days. But I believe this is a myth. Most of us can’t completely adopt new habits and jettison old ones in 3 short weeks. It’s a process that is more difficult than it may seem at first, and takes longer. […]

Develop Your Full Potential In 5 Steps

Campus Finance Platform

When I created the IP Movement, I envisioned accompanying people on their path to discovering their full potential. I wanted everyone to become the architect of their own life, both professionally and personally. If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, you’ve probably noticed that I share reflections and exercises to become “IP”; that […]

Aiming For Excellence? Then Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone!

When I meet people who rationalize against change by saying, “we have always worked that way,” I see before them a solid virtual wall, which prevents them from achievement and excellence in life. This wall has a name: comfort zone. In life, everything changes. The world, relationships, technology, science … EVERYTHING. By contrast, our instinct […]